Alliance Speciality Care Ltd is a provider of qualified and well-trained staff to provide support whenever your staffing levels are low or if there is a crisis. We are a Recruitment and Placement Agency capable of providing individuals with a clear understanding of their duties for we value a number of issues that includes age of person, their diagnosis and their situation.
Equipping professionals working with children, young people and families is our priority as a company and we endeavour to accomplish this correctly and professionally.
Many experienced professionals working in health, education and social services settings can feel perplexed when faced with emotional, behavioural and developmental difficulties in young people, hence they have to be aware that new understandings have arisen in the field of child development research which could be helpful in informing their work. At Alliance SC, we value our staff that whenever we are satisfied that they are ready to go out they will and if not, we will equip them accordingly. Learning from experience, many situations that may not require much attention or intervention ends up becoming crisis situations because of wrong approach by less qualified staff. We don’t just provide staff for the numbers but we provide speciality staff for specific duties.
We do provide staff for the following services:
Alliance Speciality Care Ltd
Our Agency will provide staff that has an extensive understanding and very skillful intervention methods to support those in this service. The training they receive gives them a deeper understanding of the complex difficulties children and families experience. This builds up their ability for critical reflection and resilience. We provide training focusing on specific needs of each individual. This makes our staff unique because they are trained to have a clear understanding of person centered approach when delivering support.
Available, Prepared & Ready

i) The Personal experience of living in care and the future
As a provider of professional carers we are concerned about the increasing difficulties faced by looked-after and adopted children, and those parenting them. When we deliver these trainings we also provide an opportunity for our staff to hear from those with their own experience as well as those working in the field of mental health, child protection and social care, particularly those working within foster care, adoption and kinship care to learn from the personal experiences of people, across the generations, living with the experiences of public care and adoption. As part of our training and updates programs we engage a variety of expertise to impart their knowledge to our staff before we send them out to provide a service.
ii) Understanding emotional communication in challenging and turbulent contexts
Healthcare workers such as social workers and others in allied professions frequently need to talk to children and young people about difficult and painful issues, whether this is as a result of child protection concerns or in respect of decisions being made about their lives. These circumstances can be stressful and can make even the most experienced practitioners feel daunted and il-equipped for the task. Most hours for the young people is spent in the company of support workers therefore adequate understanding of their needs is a requisite.
The training we offer our support workers reflect the realities of working with children and young people in this difficult context and equip them with a frame work as well as a practical “toolkit” which can be integrated and drawn upon in practice.
The training we offer our staff aims to:
- Identify the difficulties associated with this work and their sources.
- Identify the emotional and practical preparation required when needing to talk to children about difficult issues.
- Learn how to use a developmental perspective in order to communicate effectively with children and young people; focusing specifically on play as symbolic communication and engaging adolescents.
iii) Danger, Trauma and Resilience
Psychological trauma is usually understood as a disorder, with treatment being sought to rid the person of symptoms of trauma.
The Dynamic-Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM) proposes that learning to protect and comfort oneself is adaptive because everyone faces danger at some point in life. Moreover, our brains are evolved to seek information about danger and to generate protective and comforting, solutions to endangerment. We learn to do this over the course of childhood.
Nevertheless, the learning can go awry when the danger exceeds the individual’s capacity to adapt and there is no one to help. When that happens, trauma responses can be used to get through the terrible experience. Our support workers are equipped with the correct training that their understanding of such situation becomes a valuable intervention.
iv) Developing diverse child and adolescent support workers
As we develop each and every support worker, it is our desire to enable them to develop their skills in working with children and young people in a multicultural context. The training we provide will help our staff to develop their work skills when supporting young people irrespective of their race, gender
or culture supervision for staff working with young people. Each young person is an individual hence their individual needs has to be met. At Alliance Speciality Care we will provide the right staff for the available assignment not as convenient but as priority and understanding.
v) Supervision
Supervision is a critical component of safe and effective practice across the human services. It is essential in ensuring a containing and reflective space for staff to acknowledge and process the often stressful, uncomfortable and indeed painful experiences of working with children, young people, their families and the systems around them. Through containment and reflection rooted in a dynamic and relational supervisory experience, both supervisor and supervisee are enabled to learn and grow across their professional career. We have a very detailed supervision programme for every support worker and this is held regularly as long as they are still employed by Alliance SC. Due to extensive support and guidance for our staff through the process of recruitment, training, updates and supervisions, we guarantee to provide your organization with people who can deliver quality service.

Alliance Speciality Care will equip its staff appropriately before they take up assignments. The delivery of appropriate and satisfactory care and support can only be delivered by an individual with correct knowledge, understanding and ability. A well-trained individual will not sympathise with those receiving care but will have to be empathetic. Our training is delivered by qualified and accredited trainers with the ability to train staff so that they have a clear understanding on service delivery. It is crucial that our staff see a person first then the diagnosis than the other way around. When they go out for assignment they will provide a service to human beings with a diagnosis not a diagnosis in a human being.
It is important that all our staff have an understanding of person centered approach to dementia care encompassing equality and diversity, communication, life history, relationships, team work, challenging behaviour and everyday care.
Once our staff completed the training on mental health, dementia and learning disability,
they will have a knowledge of:
- What a learning disability is
- The experience of a person with a learning disability
- The possible support needs of people with mild, moderate and severe learning disabilities, and how they differ
- What dementia is
- What the lived experience of a person with dementia might be
- The possible support needs of people with mild, moderate and severe dementia
- Different types of mental illness
- What the experience of a person with a mental illness can be
- The possible support needs of people with different mental illnesses
- How to promote the safety of people with a disability
- Social and medical models of disability
- How to support a person with a learning disability, dementia or a mental illness
- The importance of early diagnosis
- Legislation relating to people with mental illness, learning disability or dementia
- The requirement for confidentiality
- Aspects of mental capacity in decision-making